My last blog detailed my day out to a Dying Matters Awareness Week event held in Norwich during May 2023. The final part of the day was my highlight. I’m going to describe it to you, so you get to join me on my journey of excitement!

There was a stand for Norfolk Library Services, and I was encouraged to go and talk to them about my books. A friend had very kindly already purchased the 3-book set to donate to the library. As I have self-published, the books were going through a strict review process to be considered for the library catalogue. The lady from the library and I were talking about the challenges of that system. However, I then looked down and saw my book on their stand – Ben’s Book was staring back at me. Unbeknown to me the books have been accepted, catalogued and are ready for people to borrow. It gave me such a sense of pride and I grinned from ear to ear for the rest of the day.
I was keen to tell my friends that the books had been accepted and were now available to borrow. Many of them were pleased with my news. However, one response was that it would means less book sales, as people wouldn’t need to buy the books now! I reminded them that my author journey was not fuelled by making a profit, as the money I raise will get ploughed back into printing more books and creating more resources. I felt they were missing the point.
Writing children’s bereavement support books is about supporting those children and young people out there who need access to practical and sound information and guidance to help them cope with their grief. If I could write books and give them away to anyone who needs them, then I would. It isn’t financially possible, so I just must keep highlighting that the books are available for sale or can be loaned. Spreading the word that they exist.

It is important to remember why you are writing and promoting your books and so here is a little review I received that reminds me of the importance of getting my books out there ...
“Thank you Lorna Vyse for writing these much needed books - can’t thank you enough from me … and the young people I know they are already helping through their toughest journey imaginable. Please share and spread the word to ensure these books are in all settings where children access bereavement support.”